Chairman's Message

The School's Chairman

When Christ entered this Earth, He did it under insignificant circumstances. He chose a manger, not a Palace. He chose Bethlehem, a poor isolated town and not the province of Rome. His parents were humble citizens, not Royalty. He is our Lord who continues to identify with the ‘poor, the outcast, the insignificant’. 

As a School we operate:

  • With students who are not regarded as academic highflyers.
  • With students facing challenging economic realities.

We were deemed by some as insignificant, but God identifies with us and so He has been a blessing to us. He will raise us up to greatness and undeniable significance.

Ensure that our:

  • utterance are seeped insensitivity and peace
  • actions are faced with love and humility
  • thoughts are pure and Godly

“What we are is God’s gift ton us, what we become is our gift to God”

Love and Prayers

Norman Reid